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This Show at Waco Civic
Ticket sales can only cover a percentage of the true cost of producing shows. Your contribution as sponsor, underwriter or producer makes it possible for us to provide affordably priced, high quality plays and musicals for greater Waco. To see our sponsor levels and needs, click here:
Want to appear on stage as an actor, singer, dancer, or member of an ensemble? Go to our AUDITIONS PAGE (link here) and check out the latest opportunity! The Waco Civic Theatre strives to be inclusive and welcoming, so persons of all ages, gender identities, body types and cultural heritage are welcome to audition. If you need accommodations, please let us know on the audition forms.
Want to direct, design or stage manage? Send us your resume or send us an email letting us know your experience and interests. We hire guest directors, designers, musicians and stage manager on contract throughout the season. Or, use the volunteer interest form below and let us know you want join a creative team!
Volunteering allows you to connect to our Waco Civic community and make it even better. Helping out with the smallest tasks can make a real difference to the experiences people have here. And volunteering is a two-way street: it can benefit you and your family as much as the greater Waco area!
“Curtain Up” is our annual fundraising celebration, and this year, it’s going to be more enchanting than ever! We’re thrilled to reveal to our guests the exciting lineup for our upcoming season, marking the launch of a brand-new century of unforgettable stories. Be the first to discover what’s in store for the 2025/2026 season at Waco Civic Theatre, and join us as we celebrate the kick off to our next 100 years in the heart of the City of Waco!