Waco Civic Theatre

Health & Safety


The safety of our theatre community continues to be our highest priority. The CDC lifted the mask guidance both indoors and outdoors for any person who is fully vaccinated. As circumstances change, we will continue to update theatre guidelines for staff, actors, and audiences. We may utilize precautionary measures, including mask wearing and social distancing and the use of digital tickets and playbills. We will continue to review CDC guidelines and theatre industry best practices to determine how to proceed in the future.

Patrons: What to Expect

  1. Any patron experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19 or having had contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 should not attend. Should a patron feel ill, WCT staff will gladly exchange tickets for another performance.
  2. Patrons are encouraged to maintain social distancing and requested to wear masks if not vaccinated. WCT staff and volunteers may wear masks and maintain social distancing unless vaccinated. WCT will provide masks for those who need them.
  3. Hand sanitizer will be available for all patrons.
  4. Ticketing will be available either online or by phone. Seating capacity and spacing will be determined by current guidance issued by the Texas Department of Health, CDC, or by government order.
  5. We request patrons to come directly to their seats with no congregating in the lobby, and to leave the facility right after performances.
  6. Playbills and programs will only be available online.
  7. Concessions will be available in accordance to safe food handling standards and laws.
  8. All appropriate surfaces in the theatre will be cleaned and sanitized after each performance.

Cast, Crew, & Employees: What to expect

  1. Any WCT cast, crew, or employee, experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19 or having had recent contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 should report such contact or symptoms.
  2. If any member of the company has tested positive for COVID-19 the entire company should be notified, and should not attend rehearsals or performances. Infected/exposed persons should quarantine. A stage manager or designated member will monitor our collective health circumstances.
  3. Social distancing and mask wearing is encouraged if crew, staff and contractors are not vaccinated.
  4. High contact surfaces (door handles and railings) will be cleaned frequently. The theatre will be disinfected each time it is cleaned.
  5. Social gatherings with non-vaccinated persons are discouraged.
  6. Auditions may be submitted using video, online or Zoom.
  7. Production and design meetings should be accomplished virtually when possible.
  8. Choreography and staging should be modified to provide appropriate social distancing.
  9. Backstage guests are not allowed and cast interaction with the audience should be eliminated.
  10. Headsets, belt packs, microphones and props should be assigned and not shared. If sharing is necessary, equipment will be cleaned and sanitized after each use.


  1. If you are subjected to any conduct that you believe violates this policy, you must promptly speak to, write, or otherwise contact your supervisor or production director, as soon as possible following the offending conduct. If the conduct is conducted by the supervisor or management, please contact the Board Liaison.
  2. If you have not received a satisfactory response within five (5) days after reporting any incident of what you perceive to be discriminatory conduct, please immediately contact the Board Liaison.
  3. Your complaint should be as detailed as possible, including the names of all individuals involved and any witnesses. You may use an official form available from the staff or you may write or email.
  4. Waco Civic Theatre recognizes that volunteers and employees who have experienced harassment, especially acts of sexual violence, are concerned about privacy of information relating to an incident.


Abuse, molestation, and manipulation of minors includes but is not limited to:

  • Forced, pressured, or tricked into taking part in any sexual activity.
  • Physical, emotional, or psychological pressure or persuasion to engage or witness.
  • Sexual activity of any kind with a minor.

Abuse and molestation do not require physical contact. Anyone under the age of eighteen (18) cannot consent to any of the above activity, and consent may not be used as an excuse.

  • Whenever a minor is present on set there must be at least two adults present over the age of 21 who are parent volunteers or have passed the required background checks and have been approved by the Board of Directors.


Waco Civic Theatre is committed to maintaining a safe workplace, and is committed to providing a work environment free from
discrimination, harassment and retaliation. The theatre will not tolerate conduct that may be disruptive, unproductive, unethical, or illegal.
Violation of these Standards of Conduct may lead to corrective or disciplinary action, up to and
including discharge, depending on the circumstances of the individual case. The following is a nonexhaustive
list of conduct that may violate this policy:

  • Removing Waco Civic Theatre property from the premises without authorization.
  • Stealing or attempting to steal Waco Civic Theatre, employee, or volunteer’s property.
  • Being habitually tardy or absent.
  • Use of racial, demeaning, or sexually charged language.
  • Bullying.
  • Any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and/or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
  • Fighting on Waco Civic Theatre property at any time.
  • Being under the influence of intoxicating substances on Waco Civic Theatre property at any time.
  • Using or abusing Waco Civic Theatre time, property, materials, or equipment without authorization.
  • Gambling on Waco Civic Theatre premises at any time.
  • Bringing dangerous or unauthorized weapons onto Waco Civic Theatre premises.
  • Defacing Waco Civic Theatre property.
  • Engaging in criminal activity.
  • Violating or abusing Waco Civic Theatre policies.
  • Bringing the organization into serious disrepute.

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